A cup of herbal tea accompanied by sacred basil on a wooden spoon proposed by the Nutritionist Dr. Paola Proietti Cesaretti by thewealthyspoon

Eat well Sleep well

During the night between 26 and 27 October, solar time returned in force and we were able to sleep an hour longer. Our body certainly benefited, especially if we were able to rest well

In fact, several studies have amply shown that restorative sleep lasting at least 6-7 hours brings important psychophysical benefits to our body

We see some of these studies whose full text can be traced back by following the links on the bibliography page.

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Poster of the Symposium of Functional Nutrition Medicine in Rome November 2019 and the Nutritionist Dr. Paola Proietti Cesaretti by thewealthyspoon

Symposium of Functional Medicine and Nutrition

Rome, Nov 15-16-17, 2019

 Participating in this Symposium was very exciting for me because it is the first major event I attended as a Nutritionist. I felt part of a group of professionals who have the same thought and the same desire to put into practice what the scientific evidence is supporting even in the nutritional field.

Functional medicine is spreading exponentially in other states such as the United States, England and New Zealand. Here in Italy we are still in its infancy, but the desire to get involved and spread it is very strong.

During the Symposium, foreign and Italian professionals of high level and culture in functional medicine, such as Dr. Fasano, Dr. Bevacqua and Dr. O’Brian – to name a few – had their speech .

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Initiatives in physical exercise may be useful as the cute Snoopy shows us if we proceed gradually by thewealthyspoon

Physical Activity and Wellness

Movement and nutrition are an inseparable combination to reach a state of physical and mental wellness. A fair amount of physical activity should be provided in the daily life of all of us.

The type and intensity of training depend on many factors such as age, gender, health conditions and chronic stress. It would be necessary to find the right dose of duration and quality of activity to benefit from the movement and to prevent this from becoming a source of further stress.

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Rusk with honey and hemp seeds by thewealthyspoon proposed by Nutritionist Dr. Paola Proietti Cesaretti

Toasted bread slices with hemp seeds

I love this breakfast when I am in a hurry and I want in any case to eat something healthy, sweet and filling. 

You need two or three wholemeal rusks, honey (in this case I used a sunflower organic honey) and a spoon of peeled hemp seeds. I suggest you to add a seasonal fresh fruit and a cup of coffee or tea and semi-skimmed milk.

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